Scar camouflage tattoo is the most effective way to conceal and blend skin grafts, burns, surgical scars, self harm scars, and other skin traumas. You can finally remove the reminders of trauma and have your body back! Micropigmentation deposits pigment into the area, blending it with your natural skin tone so the scar is no longer visible, similar to a permanent concealer! 

The most common scars people want to improve are facial injuries or surgery scars, as well as scars on the breast from breast augmentation, breast reduction, or mastectomy surgery. Another frequent request is to improve the appearance of tattoo removal that did not heal properly. Scars can be improved in practically any part of the body.

I also provide scar relaxation along with scar camouflage to soften scars and to improve their overall appearance. Scar relaxation is accomplished through a technique known as microneedling or Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT). Micro needling stimulates the body's natural collagen production by penetrating the scar tissue and forcing it to create new fibres between the punctures. As a result, the texture is smoothed and colour is improved. 

Who can get Scar Camouflage?

You are a candidate when your scar or stretchmarks are at least 1 year old and are white, grey, or healed. Keloid scars are avoided.

How many treatments will I need?

Stretch marks and scar camouflage require at least 2 full treatments to achieve results, normally 4 for best results. 

Results vary after the first session- some will see a significant improvement whereas others may not be able to see much difference - this is totally normal. On lighter skin types, the ink dilution has to be higher in order to avoid unnatural results. On close inspection of the skin, I will be able to see what ink has been retained, and then make any adjustments to increase retention on your second session if necessary. 

Please note, session 1 is always more conservative - this is to avoid over-dilution in the skin. This allows us to see if any colour adjustments are required and build the ink up further, with less dilution. There is no point in having just x1 session = this is a multi-session treatment and you have to be patient. As explained above, we can’t control how well your body retains the ink. Ink retention is down to your body’s immune system and following the aftercare advice. At Bliss Beauty, we can do colour tests first on a small area, so we know what to expect before you have your first full session for a small fee.

How do I know if I need Micro-Needling or Micro-Pigmentation?

Micro needling or micro pigmentation are two treatments that go hand in hand to conceal skin irregularities. Micro needling is often done first to bring the texture back to normal if the scar is very indented, such as acne scars or stretch marks. 

What can I expect after the first treatment? 

Stretch marks and scar camouflage require at least 2 full treatments to achieve the best results. Commonly scars take 4 sessions. Right after the first session, you will be a little sore, swollen and red which is normal. You will not be able to see the ink colour through the redness of the skin initially. This will settle down over the next 7-14 days and then the stretch marks/scar will appear darker. As the skin heals, the stretch marks may continue to appear dark for some time (especially on darker skin types) before eventually revealing the final healed colour, usually after 60 days unless hyperpigmentation is involved. 

Results after the first session vary - some will see a significant improvement whereas others may not be able to see much difference - this is totally normal. On lighter skin types, the ink dilution has to be higher in order to avoid unnatural results. On close inspection of the skin, I will be able to see what ink has been retained, and then make any adjustments to increase retention on your second session if necessary. 

Please note, session 1 is always more conservative - this is to avoid over-dilution in the skin. This allows us to see if any colour adjustments are required and build the ink up further, with less dilution. There is no point in having just x1 session = this is a multi-session treatment and you have to be patient. As explained above, we can’t control how well your body retains the ink. Ink retention is down to your body’s immune system and following the aftercare advice. At Bliss Beauty, we can do colour tests first on a small area, so we know what to expect before you have your first full session for a small fee.

What does the healing process look like? 

While the stretch marks/scar are healing, they will look much darker and this is normal = normally they are darker for about 45 to 90 days. On darker skin tones this will be a purple tone. In lighter skin this may be more reddish-brown. It can take a lot longer to settle, especially if a client is prone to hyperpigmentation. It is best not to book any holidays or events involving exposing the treated area for a couple of months following treatment. 

What can be camouflaged?

Burns, Surgical Scars, Acne Scars, Skin Grafts, Mastectomy Scars, Tummy Tuck Scars, Self Harm Scars, Tattoo Removal Scars, Stretch Marks

Who is not a candidate for cosmetic and paramedical tattoo?

How will it look like right after treatment?

The area will be red and raised which is normal. You may use a cold compress to reduce swelling down. This will subside over the coming days and weeks and will dry out / scab over while healing. You will be advised to use aftercare to keep the area moisturized. 

Is there any downtime? 

You will be swollen and red so you may feel a little discomfort after the procedure. You should wear loose clothing for at least 2 weeks and keep the area moisturized.  You can go back to work, however do not do any strenuous exercise causing sweating or rubbing on the area for 2 weeks. You can't swim or have a bath for 2 weeks and no shower for 24 hours. 

How long before I see the final result?

The results are not immediate, but depending on your original skin tone / stretch mark contrast, you may notice a difference after the first session. Expect to be red and swollen when you leave. The final result will be visible after the skin has completely healed, which usually takes 60 days. If you have hyperpigmentation, you can expect a 90-day or longer healing time. If you have darker skin or are a slow healer, expect the healing process to take months. Taking care of the treated area will help produce better results with a faster healing time.